
A quick introduction to defining and using newforms Form objects.

Design your form

The starting point for defining your own forms is Form.extend().

Here’s a simple (but incomplete!) definition of a type of Form you’ve probably seen dozens of times:

var SignupForm = forms.Form.extend({
  username: forms.CharField(),
  email: forms.EmailField(),
  password: forms.CharField({widget: forms.PasswordInput}),
  confirmPassword: forms.CharField({widget: forms.PasswordInput}),
  acceptTerms: forms.BooleanField({required: true})

A piece of user input data is represented by a Field, groups of related Fields are held in a Form and form inputs which will be displayed to the user are represented by Widgets. Every Field has a default Widget, which can be overridden.

Create a Form instance in a React component

Form instances hold the state of a Form’s user input and validation results. Since a Form is managing some state for you, you may wish to keep it in your component’s state.

To let the Form let your component know that the state it manages has changed, pass it an onChange callback:

var SignupComponent = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {
      form: new SignupForm({onChange: this.forceUpdate.bind(this)})

  // ...

Rendering a Form instance

Forms provide helpers for rendering labels, user inputs and validation errors for their fields. They also have convenience rendering methods to get you started quickly by surrounding these with some basic structure.

At the very least, you must wrap these form-rendered contents in a <form>, provide form controls such as a submit button and hook up handling of form submission:

render: function() {
  return <form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}>
    <div className="controls">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

// ...

Forms attach event handlers to the inputs they render, so getting user input data is handled for you.

If you gave your Form an onChange callback, it will also automatically validate user input as it’s given and let your component know when to re-render, to display any resulting state changes (such as new validation errors).

Handling form submission

The final step in using a Form is validating the entire form when the user attempts to submit it. Calling its validate() method validates every field in the form with its current user input.

If a Form is valid, it will have a cleanedData object containing validated data, coerced to the appropriate JavaScript data type when appropriate:

  propTypes: {
   onSubmitSignup: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired

  onSubmit: function(e) {

    var isValid = this.state.form.validate()
    if (isValid) {
    else {

Implementing custom validation

There’s an obvious validation not being handled by our form: what if the passwords don’t match?

This is a cross-field validation. To implement custom, cross-field validation add a clean() method to the Form definition:

clean: function() {
  if (this.cleanedData.password &&
      this.cleanedData.confirmPassword &&
      this.cleanedData.password != this.cleanedData.confirmPassword) {
    throw forms.ValidationError('Passwords do not match.')

Live demo

This is the React component we defined above being used by another component which displays successfully submitted data: