Form and field validation

Form validation happens when the data is cleaned. If you want to customise this process, there are various places you can change, each one serving a different purpose. Three types of cleaning methods are run during form processing. These are normally executed when you call the isValid() method on a form or you bind new data to the form by calling setData(). There are other things that can trigger cleaning and validation (calling the errors() getter or calling fullClean() directly), but normally they won’t be needed.

In general, any cleaning method can throw a ValidationError if there is a problem with the data it is processing, passing the relevant information to the ValidationError constructor.

Most validation can be done using validators - helpers that can be reused easily. Validators are functions that take a single argument and throw a ValidationError on invalid input. Validators are run after the field’s toJavaScript and validate methods have been called.

Validation steps and order

Validation of a Form is split into several steps, which can be customised or overridden:

  • The toJavaScript() method on a Field is the first step in every validation. It coerces the value to the correct datatype and throws a ValidationError if that is not possible. This method accepts the raw value from the widget and returns the converted value. For example, a FloatField will turn the data into a JavaScript Number or throw a ValidationError.

  • The validate() method on a Field handles field-specific validation that is not suitable for a validator. It takes a value that has been coerced to the correct datatype and throws a ValidationError on any error. This method does not return anything and shouldn’t alter the value. You should override it to handle validation logic that you can’t or don’t want to put in a validator.

  • The runValidators() method on a Field runs all of the field’s validators and aggregates all the errors into a single ValidationError. You shouldn’t need to override this method.

  • The clean() method on a Field. This is responsible for running toJavaScript, validate and runValidators in the correct order and propagating their errors. If, at any time, any of the methods throws a ValidationError, the validation stops and that error is thrown. This method returns the clean data, which is then inserted into the cleanedData object of the form.

  • Field-specific cleaning/validation hooks on the Form. If your form includes a clean<FieldName>() (or clean_<fieldName>()) method in its definition, it will be called for the field its name matches. This method is not passed any parameters. You will need to look up the value of the field in this.cleanedData (it will be in cleanedData because the general field clean() method, above, has already cleaned the data once).

    For example, if you wanted to validate that the content of a CharField called serialNumber was unique, implementing cleanSerialNumber() would provide the right place to do this.

    These hooks also offer another chance for custom cleaning/normalizing of data. If one needs to make a change to the the cleaned value obtained from cleanedData, it should return a modifed value, which will be re-inserted into cleanedData.

  • The Form clean() method. This method can perform any validation that requires access to multiple fields from the form at once. This is where you might put in things to check that if field A is supplied, field B must contain a valid email address and the like. This method can return a completely different object if it wishes, which will be used as the cleanedData.

    Since the field validation methods have been run by the time clean() is called, you also have access to the form’s errors(), which contains all the errors thrown by cleaning of individual fields.

    Note that any errors thrown by your form.clean() override will not be associated with any field in particular. They go into a special “field” (called __all__), which you can access via the nonFieldErrors() method if you need to. If you want to attach errors to a specific field in the form, you need to call BaseForm#addError().

These methods are run in the order given above, one field at a time. That is, for each field in the form (in the order they are declared in the form definition), the Field.clean() method (or its override) is run, then clean<Fieldname>() (or clean_<fieldName>()) if defined. Finally, the form.clean() method, or its override, is executed whether or not the previous methods have thrown errors.

Examples of each of these methods are provided below.

As mentioned, any of these methods can throw a ValidationError. For any field, if the Field.clean() method throws a ValidationError, any field-specific cleaning method is not called. However, the cleaning methods for all remaining fields are still executed.

Throwing ValidationError

In order to make error messages flexible and easy to override, consider the following guidelines:

  • Provide a descriptive error code to the constructor when possible:

    forms.ValidationError('Invalid value', {code: 'invalid'})
  • Don’t coerce variables into the message; use placeholders and the params argument of the constructor:

    forms.ValidationError('Invalid value: {value}', {params: {value: '42'}})

Putting it all together:

throw forms.ValidationError('Invalid value: {value)', {
  code: 'invalid'
, params: {value: '42'}

Following these guidelines is particularly useful to others if you write reusable forms and form fields.

If you’re at the end of the validation chain (i.e. your form’s clean()) and you know you will never need to override your error message (or even just... because) you can still opt for the less verbose:

forns.ValidationError('Invalid value: ' + value)

Throwing multiple errors

If you detect multiple errors during a cleaning method and wish to signal all of them to the form submitter, it is possible to pass a list of errors to the ValidationError constructor.

It’s recommended to pass a list of ValidationError instances with codes and params but a list of strings will also work:

throw forms.ValidationError([
  forms.ValidationError('Error 1', {code: 'error1'})
, forms.ValidationError('Error 2', {code: 'error2'})

throw forms.ValidationError(['Error 1', 'Error 2'])

Using validation in practice

The previous sections explained how validation works in general for forms. Since it can sometimes be easier to put things into place by seeing each feature in use, here are a series of small examples that use each of the previous features.

Using validators

Fields support use of utility functions known as validators. A validator is a function that takes a value and returns nothing if the value is valid, or thriws a ValidationError() if not. These can be passed to a field’s constructor, via the field’s validators argument, or defined on the field’s prototype as a defaultValidators property.

Let’s have a look at a basic implementation of newforms’ SlugField:

var MySlugField = forms.CharField.extend({
  defaultValidators: [forms.validators.validateSlug]

As you can see, a basic SlugField is just a CharField with a customised validator that validates that submitted text obeys some character usage rules. This can also be done on field definition so:

var field = new MySlugField()

is equivalent to:

var field = forms.CharField({validators: [forms.validators.validateSlug]})

Common cases such as validating against an email or a regular expression can be handled using existing validators available in newforms. For example, validateSlug() is a function created by passing a slug-matching RegExp to the RegexValidator() function factory.

Form field default cleaning

Let’s firstly create a custom form field that validates its input is a string containing comma-separated email addresses:

var MultiEmailField = forms.Field.extend({
  /** Normalise data to a list of strings. */
  toJavaScript: function(value) {
    // Return an empty list if no input was given
    if (this.isEmptyValue(value)) {
      return []
    return value.split(/, ?/g)

  /** Check if value consists only of valid emails. */
, validate: function(value) {
    // Use the parent's handling of required fields, etc., value)

Let’s create a simple ContactForm to demonstrate how you’d use this field:

var ContactForm = forms.Form.extend({
  subject: forms.CharField({maxLength: 100})
, message: forms.CharField()
, sender: forms.EmailField()
, recipients: new MultiEmailField()
, ccMyself: forms.BooleanField({required: false})

Cleaning a specific field attribute

Suppose that in our ContactForm, we want to make sure that the recipients field always contains the address "". This is validation that is specific to our form, so we don’t want to put it into the general MultiEmailField. Instead, we write a cleaning function that operates on the recipients field, like so:

var ContactForm = forms.Form.extend({
  // Everything as before
  // ...

, cleanRecipients: function() {
    var recipients = this.cleanedData.recipients
    if (recipients.indexOf('') == -1) {
      throw forms.ValidationError('You have forgotten about Fred!')

    // Returning the cleaned data is optional - if anything is returned,
    // cleanedData will be updated with the new value.
    return recipients

If you return anything from a custom field cleaning function, the form’s cleanedData for the field will be updated with the returned value.

Cleaning and validating fields that depend on each other


There are two ways to report any errors from this step. Probably the most common method is to display the error at the top of the form. To create such an error, you can throw a ValidationError from the clean() method. For example:

var ContactForm = forms.Form.extend({
  // Everything as before
  // ...

, clean: function() {
    var cleanedData =
    var ccMyself = cleanedData.ccMyself
    var subject = cleanedData.subject

    if (ccMyself && subject) {
      // Only do something if both fields are valid so far
      if (subject.indexOf('help') == -1) {
        throw forms.ValidationError(
          "Did not send for 'help' in the subject despite CC'ing yourself.")

Another approach might involve assigning the error message to one of the fields. In this case, let’s assign an error message to both the “subject” and “ccMyself” rows in the form display:

var ContactForm = forms.Form.extend({
  // Everything as before
  // ...

, clean: function() {
    var cleanedData =
    var ccMyself = cleanedData.ccMyself
    var subject = cleanedData.subject

    if (ccMyself && subject && subject.indexOf('help') == -1) {
      var message = "Must put 'help' in subject when cc'ing yourself."
      this.addError('ccMyself', message)
      this.addError('subject', message)

The second argument oto addError() can be a simple string, or preferably an instance of ValidationError. See Throwing ValidationError for more details. Note that addError() automatically removes the field from cleanedData.