Interactive forms

New in version 0.6.

Form state and onStateChange()

When using interactive validation or controlled components, either at the Form or individual Field level, you must pass the Form an onStateChange argument, which should be a callback function for the React component the form is being rendered in.

An Error will be thrown if this argument is not provided.

While a Form is not itself a React component, it is stateful. When user input is taken as the user makes changes and the form’s user input data is updated or interactive validation is run, the form’s data, errors() and cleanedData may be changed.

In order to update display of the form to let the user see the updated state, a Form will call its given onStateChange() function each time user input is taken or validation is performed.

Typically, this function will just force its React component to update, for example:

onFormStateChange: function() {

Form validation

By default, validating form input is left in your hands, typically by hooking into a <form>‘s onSubmit event and passing the <form> node into form.validate().

While the onSubmit event must always be used in this way to handle the user submitting the form, we can also provide feedback for the user as they work their way through the form’s fields.

To validate individual form fields as the user interacts with them, pass a validation argument when instantiating a Form or Field.

Passing a validation argument when instantiating a form sets up interactive validation for every field on the form.

Form 'auto' validation

The quickest way to get started is to pass 'auto':

var form = new SignupForm({validation: 'auto', onStateChange: this.onFormStateChange})

When the form’s validation is set to 'auto':

  • Text fields are validated using the onChange and onBlur events, with a debounce delay of 369ms applied to onChange between the last change being made and validation being performed.
  • Other fields are validated as soon as the user interacts with them.


React normalises the onChange event in text inputs to fire after every character which is entered.

'auto' example form

Let’s use a standard signup form as an example:

var SignupForm = forms.Form.extend({
  email: forms.EmailField()
, password: forms.CharField({widget: forms.PasswordInput})
, confirm: forms.CharField({label: 'Confirm password', widget: forms.PasswordInput})
, terms: forms.BooleanField({
    label: 'I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions'
  , errorMessages: {required: 'You must accept the terms to continue'}

, clean: function() {
    if (this.cleanedData.password && this.cleanedData.confirm &&
        this.cleanedData.password != this.cleanedData.confirm) {
      this.addError('confirm', 'Does not match the entered password.')

Note that this form defines a clean() function for cross-field validation. In addition to validating the field which just changed, user input will also trigger form-wide validation by calling clean(). This function must always be written defensively regardless of whether full or partial validation is being run, as it can’t assume that any of the cleanedData it validates against will be present due to the possibility of missing or invalid user input.

Field validation

Fields also accept a validation argument – validation defined at the field level overrides any configured at the Form level, so if you want to use interaction validation only for certain fields, or to opt fields out when validation has been configured at the form level, use the validation argument when defining those fields.

validation options


This is the default option, which disables interactive validation.

You’re only likely to need to use this if you’re opting specific fields out of form-wide interactive validation.

validation object

Interactive validation can be specified as an object with the following properties:


The name of the default event to use to trigger validation on text input fields. This can be specified with or without an 'on' prefix. If validation should be triggerd by multiple events, their names can be passed as a space-delimited string or a list of strings.

For example, given validation: {on: 'blur'}, text input validation will be performed when the input loses focus after editing.

A delay, in milliseconds, to be used to debounce performing of validation when using the onChange event, to give the user time to enter input without distracting them with error messages or other disply changes around the input while they’re still typing.


The behaviour of 'auto' validation is documented above. It’s equivalent to passing:

validation: {on: 'blur change', onChangeDelay: 369}

Any event name

If you pass any other string as the validation argument, it will be assumed to be an event name, so the following lines are equivalent:

validation: 'blur'
validation: {on: 'blur'}

Controlled forms

By default, newforms generates uncontrolled React components, which can provide initial values for form inputs but require manual updating via the DOM should you wish to change the displayed values via code.

If you need to programatically update the values displayed in a form after its initial display, you will need to use controlled React components.

You can do this by passing a controlled argument when constructing the Form or individual Fields you wish to have control over:

var form = new SignupForm({controlled: true, onStateChange: this.onFormStateChange})

Controlled components created by newforms reflect the values held in It’s recommended that you call form.setData() or form.updateData() to update, as they handle transitioning from initial display of data to displaying user input and will also call onStateChange() for you, to trigger re-rendering of the containing React component.

controlled example form

An example of reusing the same controlled Form to edit a bunch of different objects which have the same fields.

First, define a form:

var PersonForm = forms.Form.extend({
  name: forms.CharField({maxLength: 100})
, age: forms.IntegerField({minValue: 0, maxValue: 115})
, bio: forms.CharField({widget: forms.Textarea})

When creating the form in our example React component, we’re passing controlled: true:

getInitialState: function() {
  return {
    form: new PersonForm({
      controlled: true
    , validation: 'auto'
    , onStateChange: this.forceUpdate.bind(this)
  , editing: null
  , people: [/* ... */]

To update what’s displayed in the form, we have a handleEdit function in our React component which is calling form.reset() to put the form back into its initial state, with new initial data:

handleEdit: function(personIndex) {
  this.setState({editing: personIndex})